Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Whiskey Dick Mountain

A beautiful warm day! A plethora of flora!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • NO problems.    However, finding the parking lot for this hike was difficult.   There is not a sign.

About 5 miles up to the peak, from the lot.


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Apr 25, 2018 08:46 AM

BIG views of Eastern and Western WA from the top, though hazy.

Bruce Barcklow
Bruce Barcklow says:
Apr 25, 2018 09:47 AM

The trailhead for this hike is labelled "Pumphouse Road". Hedgehog Cactus in bloom. Take note of the large amount of petrified wood that appears to have been mined 3/8 of a mile on the trail from Whiskey Dick summit.