Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Devil's Peak/South Ridge

Overnight private climb 5/3. Some route finding and a few fourth class moves that get your attention. This climb would get a lot more traffic if it were not for the approach.

  • Fri, May 3, 2019 — Sat, May 4, 2019
  • Devil's Peak/South Ridge
  • Climbing
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Weather was somewhat colder than expected which made for decent snow conditions. No snow shoes or crampons needed.  Someone has been there recently and left a ton of pink flagging which made for much easier routefinding than would have had through the snow and brush. The bushwhack portion was not bad but in a few weeks the Devil's Club will be in full regalia making for a more um, interesting approach. Snow up to the notch. Used a few stoppers and slings on the slightly damp first 'pitch'  Gully has snow and ice but is easily climbed in boots. Used a few slings there.  Being unsure as to how long of a rope we actually needed to rappel we downclimbed the route on belay which worked just fine.  I am sure the views are gorgeous but did not see a whole lot as the mists came in and out.  Beautiful skies in the morning when we awoke for the hike out.