
Trip Report    

Flash, Chinook Landing Marina

Friends Friends (+) 4-16-22, Commencement Bay, Tacoma, WA, USA: Amazing sail on Flash, a J-43, in heavy squall with hail and then sun! Thanks, Jerry Mckay and Chona for the hospitality and training! ⛵️

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Approximately 12:15 PM cast off from Chinook Marina in  J-43 with 6 aboard.  Tide (Low tide 0.6 ft @11:39 AM) starting to come in.  Winds SSW up to 14 knots with significant weather to the W over South Vashon Island.  Hail and rain as Flash motored out to Commencement Bay. All of us had rain gear on. Cold in the low 40s with signifiant wind chill.  Up to 8 knots speed with 14 knots of wind in Commencement Bay. Dramatic day of sailing in inclement weather. 

Each of us rotated on the wheel. Practiced winch use and sail trim. Warmed hands in cabin periodically. Sun came out last half of sailing.  Jerry, the boat owner/skipper, Chona, his partner, and Jimmy, the skipper mate, were fabulous! Good team work with congenial crew. On return to Chinook Marina, the weather worsened and again hailed. 

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