Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Glacier Climb - Mount Baker/Boulder Glacier

This is a beautiful and much less-traveled route - definitely worth the bit of extra effort, in my opinion.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • BakerBoulderMap_Summit-Camp_2018-06-07.JPG



06-16 to 06-17-2018

Party size: 8


Gear Carried: 1x60m rope, 1x40m rope, 8 pickets

Gear Used: 1x60m rope, 1x40m rope, 4 pickets


Very competent group of students and one basic graduate. Everyone worked well together and contributed to the team's success.


Day 1: Saturday 06-16

10 AM: Departed from Boulder Ridge TH

4:15 PM: Arrived at 6800' camp. Camped on snow on the south side of the Boulder-Park cleaver. This location was nice and sheltered us well from the NW-NE winds that were blowing.


Day2: Sunday 06-17

Departed camp at 2:30 AM


Ascended north side of Boulder-Park cleaver. At the top of the cleaver (~9200') we made an ascending traverse to climber's left (southwest). Navigation to the summit was straightforward. Route is in great condition. No crevasse dodging shenanigans, bergschrunds, or snow bridges to contend with. Strong wind gusts were nearly knocking us off our feet (and down fall line) as we crested the summit plateau.


Summit: 7:30 AM - 8:15 AM

Camp: 11:15 AM

Pack up, eat, and drink: 11:15 AM - 1 PM

Cleaned of one set of old nylon and added new blue tied runner at rap station. Allow plenty of time for akward rappel with heavy packs - utilizing a second personal anchor was helpful.

TH: 6:20 PM