Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Golden Gardens to Richmond Beach

  • Mon, Jun 2, 2014
  • Sea Kayaking

Group size was 8 (3 leaders and 5 participants). We paddled 10 miles round trip to Richmond Beach from Golden Gardens. We left at 10 a.m. and returned at 3 p.m. Weather was warm and sunny with southerly winds less than 10 knots. We took a break at Carkeek Park and a lunch break at Richmond Beach. Low tides today opened up sandy beach for kayak landings. Our group was well prepared, cohesive and successful with all aspects of the trip. One member forgot her sprayskirt, but was able to rent one from an outfitter that happened to be at Golden Gardens. We experienced a close encounter with a porpoise and spotted a sea lion cruising in the water. Very pleasant trip, with minimal boat traffic near shore, and very undeveloped shoreline. Recommend it as a repeat trip.

Trip leaders:
Paul Mocha
Dede Chinlund
David Koren