Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Hidden Lake (Mount Rainier)

  • Tue, Aug 26, 2014
  • Day Hiking

Based on information provided in 50 Hikes in Mt. Rainier National Park, c1999, pp70-71, this hike should be listed as Moderate, with 1,600 feet elevation gain and a distance of 6.2 miles round trip. With this more correct listing, two people on my August 21 hike, who were hiking slower than the rest of the group, probably would not have signed up for it.


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Margot Tsakonas
Margot Tsakonas says:
Aug 14, 2017 04:40 PM

I just did the same hike on Aug 13 with a small group and we GPS'd the gain at something like 1600-1700 ft also. I had estimated from the map that it was well over the advertised 900 ft and gave them the heads up so they were OK with it at a slow pace. I just sent a note to our Mtrs staff to make the correction in the database when they get the chance. Beautiful route, but I agree it should be more like "Moderate" so that folks are not surprised.