
Trip Report    

Ice Climbing Trip - Ouray Ice Park

The ice was in, and the temps were low! Ouray ice climbing trip was epic, and conditions allowed us to get a lot of laps in.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Temps were cold, but most days had clear skies and sun in a few parts of the canyon. Ice conditions all around were great and easy to climb on. Pick o' the Vic was the highlight route of the trip. The Ouray Ice Park is very accessible from town on foot, if you are staying on the south side. The walk uphill was needed to stay warm in the early hours! The instructors took us from knowing nothing, to top-roping some really challenging routes with pillars, chandeliers, and small roofs by the end of the trip. It was definitely a confidence-boosting trip dealing with the cold conditions, as well as pushing climbing skills. I definitely want to get some more laps in before the end of season, and I plan on making it out to Ouray again in 2026!

    Hand warmers and a thermos are essentials.




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