Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Intermediate Alpine Climb - Black Peak/Northeast Ridge

A classic pac nw alpine with all the things: snow, talus, chossy rock and long exposed ridges. Definitely worth doing.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Wing Lake campsite buggy as usual. Left camp around 4:45 AM. Still some snow on the approach but perfect cramponing condition at that hour.  Approached via the ledge system to the left.  Approach easier than it looked from camp.  Climbing was completely straightforward, albeit loose, loose, loose.  Easy route finding.  We climbed as a party of 3 with a 40m rope. Simu-climbed with 2 transitions for gear. Reached the summit around 11:30 AM. I thought down climbing off the summit down the south side was the sketchiest part. I can't believe people take dogs up and down the south side! 

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