Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Intermediate Snowshoe - Sun Top Lookout

Good snowshoeing was found for the last ~1000 feet to the lookout. Crusty snow on the road from 2800' up.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Hiking on the road until 2800' to see any hint of snow but the crust formed on top of the snow was stable enough for no snowshoes until 4500' near the junction of the summer trail and the forest service road.

    The route from here can vary as the snow was plenty enough to make your own path to the lookout. We went straight up rather than switch-backing on the open slopes for more fun :)




    Open slopes along the route are only found in the blue region as shown on the map. Given the avalanche danger and snow conditions, one possibly can use the terrain efficiently to get to the lookout with not many issues.


Started hiking at 8 am and were at the top by 11:45. We enjoyed walking around at the top as the day was pleasant before returning back to cars. All left the parking lot by 2:30 pm.

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