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Trip Report    

Mount Erie / Zig Zag

Great Cracks and alternate routes on zigzag

  • Sat, Apr 28, 2018 — Sun, Apr 29, 2018
  • Mount Erie
  • Climbing
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  •  Being as it's the beginning of climbing season the route was a little green- and by green i mean it had plants growing in the cracks- so make sure you look where you're going, where  you placing Pro, and where your feet are planted- those plants can be slippery (duh!).

      It was a cloudy but non-rainy day, until around 1200-1400 then the clouds dropped down and there was some precipitation that started to fall and make the rock wet- by that time we were on the third pitch and simply had to get through it- the rock was super slick and turned a 5.7-5.8 pitch into a 5.9-5.10. But after about 15 minutes it would let up and the rocks would dry. The wind blew the entire day and even though at the base of the route it was warm up on the rocks it got cold when you were setting up anchors or belaying- so carry a light coat with you on the route.

Parking is on the side of the road and we hiked about 15 minutes up to the base of the route- since the parking is on the side of the road- make sure you lock up you stuff proir to leaving- cars do get broken into. The trail goes through some private property so don't be loud and respect the trail (some people leave dog droppings- not cool).

Other than that its awesome and the views are amazing!