
Trip Report    

Mount Rose

Gorgeous sunny day on this popular peak!

  • Fri, Feb 25, 2022
  • Mount Rose
  • Day Hiking
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The unpaved mile to the trailhead has been graded and is in excellent shape. Some large holes on the short stretch up to the parking area.

Cold, blue sky, beautiful sunny day. No snow to Horse Camp, but it begins shortly after with a couple of solid ice spots that can be avoided off to the side. The snow does get deep, but it's old frozen snow a few feet deep from the last big storm and has 2 to 3 inches of newer snow on top. This made for some slippery going on steep stretches, even with micro-spikes (would be slower going and tough without them). As the weather warms up, holes below the surface will become a hazard. A nice snow-free stretch below the summit was great for having lunch in the sun! Only a handful of other hikers. Great day to be out!