
Trip Report    

Mount Stuart/West Ridge

Up and over the west ridge with light overnight gear and no need for any snow gear. We summited on our first day, and descended to bivy sites at 7700' amongst some trees next to the Cascadian Couloir, then an easy hike out on Sunday.

  • Sat, Jul 29, 2023 — Sun, Jul 30, 2023
  • Mount Stuart/West Ridge
  • Climbing
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Things are very melted out, as if it was a month later in summer.  It felt like late-August/early-September.  Certainly no need for ice axes.  If hoping to collect snow for water, only few small snow patches remain just below the true summit, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're gone too in a few weeks.  We carried 4 liters of water each from Ingalls Lake and were very glad we did, since our choice of camp spot meant we did not fill up again until 24 hours later.

A very classic climb up the West Ridge, with myself, Jessica Dyer, Evan Bush, and Michelle Flandreau.

The route we followed is detailed here: https://rocknropenw.com/2023/08/03/mount-stuart-west-ridge/

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