Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Mount Washington (Snoqualmie, winter)

  • Sat, Dec 5, 2015
  • Scrambling

The trip was scheduled as a Wright Mt trip, but an overturned tanker truck closed I-90 eastbound at exit 34. Half of the party turned back at the news, but half of us decided to proceed eastward and see what we could improvise. We convinced the State Highway Patrol to let us proceed as far as exit 38, where we were able to climb Mt Washington. This was a new mountain for me, so I was eager to explore it. We climbed up one route (the main trail), descended a second route (a road along the "Great Wall"), then climbed a third route (the Great Wall trail) and descended by that route. We encountered fresh snow starting at about 3200 feet elevation, but at no point was the snow deeper than about 3 inches. We lugged our snowshoes up and down for the fun of it. Visibility at the summit was about 200 yards.