Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Park Butte

  • Tue, Oct 7, 2014
  • Day Hiking

Yesterday (Monday 10/6/14) Sarah and I hiked to Park Butte lookout, Railroad Grade and attempted to complete a loop hike by going around Scott Paul trail from there. However the suspension bridge over the river was not replaced this year and the river was a brown raging torrent. We spent an hour trying to find a place to cross and were unsuccessful, so turned back and went back to the TH via Park Butte-RR grade trail. If you want to do the Scott Paul loop, better call the ranger station first and find out if there is a bridge there or you may very well find your way blocked!

Fantastic fall color, big fat blueberries still in profusion, but alas Mt Baker remained hidden in the fog all day.