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Trip Report    

Sail - Esther, Port of Edmonds Marina

Yet another pleasant sail to the exotic Port of Kingston. Aside from the forest fire smoke, it was just about perfect. Though I can't seem to get this crew picture right side up.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Fine sailing.  But that forest fire smoke was sad to see.


It was a fine Sunday sail to Kingston.  Our crew consisted of George, Sarah, Chengwei, and Keleigh. Two recent class graduates, one from last year, and one from quite a few years back. Only one had sailed with me before, but everyone did a great job sailing.  The wind was light to steady, if I recall, and we had an easy sail over. We did stop to do a little to help the ocean by pulling out a wayward mylar balloon.

The mylar balloon we pulled out.

If only we could pull all the plastic waste out. Glad a fish or whale won't choke on this.

Lunch in Kingston was at the Main Street Ale House. Delicious as usual. And a little ice cream desert on the way back to the marina was just the thing. We returned to the boat and made a quick passage home, with slightly stronger winds but only a bit of heeling.  No burying the winches or flooding the VHF this time.  Thanks to the crew for the nice afternoon, and thanks to all those firefighters, where ever they were, for putting out those terrible fires.   Remember, only you can prevent forest fires!