
Trip Report    

Winter Scramble - Satulick Mountain

Gorgeous views of the SW aspect of Mount Rainier, as well as a bit of spice at the Pyramid Creek crossing. A beautiful day on this ~13 mile/~3700’ gain Winter Scramble.

  • Sat, Dec 5, 2020
  • Satulick Mountain
  • Scrambling
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Our party of 5 was expecting a relatively solitary day until encountering a huge gathering near the Longmire Museum.  Fortunately for us they were headed for Mildred Point (as two separate groups) and we were able to reduce our contagion risk with a quick departure.

    Although the prior month had quite a bit of snow in this area, recent  melting/consolidation allowed us to only need snowshoes for the portion between the Kautz Creek crossing and the summit (micro-spikes were used between Longmire and Kautz Creek).

    Although the most recent incarnation of the Pyramid Creek footbridge/railing is still structurally sound, it has a substantial amount of melt water running over its center section:83E30540-1DF3-4491-A888-1FB02B157EC5.jpeg

    In the interest of dry feet our morning crossing used an adjacent fallen log:894E81B5-292B-4AD9-9A27-03950C7777C7.jpeg

    Either works, and our return crossing in the afternoon had a couple of us leaning towards expediency to ‘walk the wet’.  You can see a video demonstrating the depth of the footbridge water here.

The remainder of the route is in great shape, and we left the trail near the lower Squaw Lake on a bearing of 215° (true north) to reach the ridge leading to the summit at ~5400’.  The views were stunning along this ridge:2EE68C70-8FE7-4FEA-B332-10D2BA5759D4.jpeg

We greatly enjoyed a leisurely lunch basking in the sun on the open/flat summit of Satulick:89A2095E-CAB5-46A2-9E99-02F93A83166D.jpeg


A great day in the mountains with a total time of 8.5 hours, 4.5 hours for the ascent, an hour long lunch, and 3 hours for the descent.  Photos from this and other trips to this venue can be seen here.