
Trip Report    

Sea Kayak - Case Inlet

perfect weather and conditions. Wonderful bunch of paddlers too!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Very light winds. Placid water. Light to no noticeable current

Beautiful weather and light winds all day. Launched by 9:30 and headed down the shoreline of key peninsula crossing over to the Herron Island ferry. Took a quick bio break and at the ferry dock where there is a to a potty. Headed back out around the north end of Herron Island past a community park where we did not get out. Rounded the end of Herron and headed down the west side of the island then across to McMicken. Landed on the north east side of McMicken for lunch and a walk around the island. We avoided the poison oak and small piece of private property on the south east side of the island. There is a pit toilet on McMicken. Headed down the shore line to the future state park at Fudge Point, lovely beach and a great spot to stop with a view at Mt Rainier. Headed back across to Joemma Beach and landed around 4.