Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Sea Kayak - Skagit & Hope Islands

As it turned out Saturday wasn't looking so bad for the greater Deception Pass area so a few of us showed up at Cornet Bay for a little current practice and a paddle around Skagit and Hope Islands.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The weather was great, calm winds and waves throughout the day.

We began the day with helmets on, ready for some current play in the flood. Launching from Cornet Bay, we paddled directly to the east end of Strawberry Island, eager to take advantage of the building flow. Rounding the island on the north side, we positioned ourselves at the top of the eddy that forms on the west end during a flood.


Here, we took turns practicing peel-outs and catches as the flood current steadily increased from 2.5 knots to around 4 knots. Each paddler peeled out of the eddy into the main current, then executed quick turns back into the eddy, honing boat control as the conditions intensified.

After our final peel-out, we rode the flood, enjoying a strong current assist toward Yokeko and Hoypus Points. The swift current carried us effortlessly along, and we made our way to Skagit Island for a well-earned break on the southeast beach.

From Skagit, we continued down to the east end of Hope Island, rounding the island to the sheltered south beach for lunch. After a relaxed meal, we timed our return to Cornet Bay with the shifting tides, as the current began to reverse in our favor, giving us a smooth and easy paddle back to our launch point.