Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Sea Kayak - Skagit & Hope Islands

Windy Fun near Deception Pass

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Cloudy with 10-15 k winds.  Threat of rain, but no actual rain until we were packed up.

    Some waves.Prepping Skagit Island Paddle.png

Great company and great fun learning to deal with waves.     Free parking at Snee-Oosh (no restrooms).  Beautiful rest areas on Hope and Skaggit Islands.  Spent some time working on ferrying angles while crossing from island to island.  Teresa and John did a great job, keeping us safe and shepherding when we got too spread out.

Helpful gear would have been a neoprene hoodie.  Never actually capsized, but the threat was real.  And regardless would have kept my noggin warm.

Don't have a whole lot of pictures (did I mention it was windy?)  So if you're reading this and were on the trip, I would love to see some.