Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Slippery Slab Tower/Northeast Face

Successful climb of slippery slab

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Straightforward approach via tunnel creek. Climber path from trap pass is very obvious and easy to follow. Some snow in basin below the route, but easily avoided- leave the ice ax at home. Once this snow melts out, nearest water source is at trap lake. 

Party of 6 left TH at 0715. At trap pass by 1030. The first few moves of the gully were 4th class and a handline was used. One member pulled a loose rock resulting in a fall, so handline is definitely recommended. Next pitch was fun but short. 1 set nuts and cams .5-2" was plenty. We set another handline to summit. We had perfect weather and views of alpine lakes and glacier peak wildernesses were rad. Back to TH by 1825. 

Shout out to our basic students, who did great. This was  graduation climb for all three of them!

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