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Trip Report    

Stewardship - West Fork Humptulips River

Nine Mountaineers from the Olympia Branch spent a grand weekend camping among old growth trees in the Campbell Tree Grove Campground and clearing the upper reaches of the beautiful West Fork Humptulips River trail in the heart of the Olympic Peninsula.

  • Road rough but passable
  • This is a very beautiful but remote area that we had all to ourselves, although with only 12 campsites the no-fee campground can become very popular in the height of summer.  The 17-mile trail begins at the Gorge Bridge, crossing the West Fork Humptulips River numerous times as it follows the river upstream to its headwaters.  IMG_2842.JPG Our crew cleared sections of the trail near the upper parts of the river as it cascades through the pristine forest.

With the support of Backcountry Horsemen of Grays Harbor and the Olympic National Forest, our crew was given permission to camp in the magnificent Campbell Tree Grove Campground ahead of its opening in order to clean winter debris in the campground and on the trail nearby.IMG_2812.JPG With so many huge trees in this area of the forest our crew got a workout using crosscut saws to remove numerous downed logs off the trail.Double Bucking.jpgIMG_2824.JPGWe also cleaned moss and winter debris from two small bridges and cut back brush encroaching on the trail.IMG_2839.JPG  Over the course of two days this amazing crew of Mountaineer volunteers opened more than a mile of trail for the enjoyment of hikers and enjoyed quality time together in a very special place among giants of the forest.Sacred Grove.jpgIMG_2831.JPG