Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

TAC MAC Alpine Climb - Mount Rainier/Emmons Glacier

Successful Emmons climb, route is in good condition

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The route was in good condition and fairly easy to follow. Currently the route traverses far right on the upper mountain. One big traverse at 12,300, and another big traverse at 13,600. 

    Above 13,600, there was still some fresh snow from last week's storm, but it wasn't too difficult to find a path.

    Campsites melted out at Camp Curtis and Camp Schurman.

    Crevasse crossings were easy and straight forward. No big jumps. We belayed across one on the ascent, but probably wasn't strictly necessary. 

    Descending the Corridor was kind of mushy and postholey, but not the worst I've experienced.

    The final 2k on the ascent was very windy and cold, despite the warm temps that were forecast. 

    One nice thing about all the traversing is that you actually top out on the crater rim very close to the true summit.

    No crevasses showing on Interglacier. There's a nice glissade chute.

    Approach trail is pretty much snow-free. We switched from approach shoes to mountaineering boots near the creek crossing at the base of Interglacier.