
Trip Report    

Three Way Peak

Straightforward scramble from the PCT on a gorgeous day.

  • Sat, Jun 15, 2019
  • Three Way Peak
  • Scrambling
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Approach from Chinook Pass (past Sheep Lake and through Sourdough Gap) had intermittent snow.  Scramble route was snow-free other than the ridge top and one finger of snow in a gully.

Straightforward scramble from the PCT up to Three Way Peak.  Headed straight up to the ridge from the PCT from (46.908513, -121.492214), although about 200' sooner at (46.908290, -121.493167) (where I ended up on the way down) would have made a better choice.

The view of Rainier, Crystal Peak and Crystal Lake from the top was excellent.


Strava track for the approach and scramble.