
Trip Report    

Union & Jove Peaks

A great outing on a bluebird day in late March. Successful summits of both peaks at a moderate pace.

  • Sat, Mar 31, 2018
  • Union & Jove Peaks
  • Scrambling
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Smithbrook road  was still covered in snow. We were on snowshoes from car to summits.

We left our cars around 8am and decided to don snowshoes after a few postholes. We took the road up to the hairpin turn, cutting one of the switchbacks to as it was an easy trip up the snow. From the hairpin we took bearings on our compasses and followed 312 degrees to take us up to the meadow. From there we stayed left of the boulders to hit the ridge at 5300 feet; there was plenty of snow so terrain was easy to navigate. We then followed the ridge up to Union and had a leisurely lunch break. From there it was an easy 400' descent to the saddle and 800' back up to Jove for a few more snacks and dozens of pictures. There were many cornices but easily avoidable by staying near the treeline. After a lovely lunch break we headed back the way we came. Our total trip time was 10 hours traveling at a moderate pace with.

Left cars: ~8:00, to the meadow at 10:00am, Union 12:00, Jove at 1:45, back to cars by 6:00pm.
