Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Urban Adventure - Steptoe Butte

A successful photography trip to eastern Washington to photograph the Palouse. Weather was not ideal, but nice views from Steptoe Butte and of Palouse Falls.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • A drive up Steptoe Butte. Some exposure on the narrow paved road to the top. Lots of wind and some blowing dust from the fields.

Ten photographers met in Colfax to do late afternoon photography of the  Palouse from the top of Steptoe Butte. We decided to go up earlier than planned due to an approaching storm. We were met with some dust whirlwinds that seemed to consume the cars as we neared the Butte.  A long circular  narrow paved road winds to the top. A hard wind and mostly overcast slies dampened the beauty of the view, but we all managed to find some iconic shots of the rolling fields stretched out before us. After dinner at a Mexican restaurant in town ( only one open) and a good nights sleep, we all headed back home at our own pace. Most of us going west also stopped at magnificent Palouse Falls on the way home. Fields of rapeseed, old barns and small towns on the edge all became subjects of  photographs. A fun, safe trip.