Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Winter Scramble - Marmot Pass & Buckhorn Mountain

Great November day in Olympics: Marmot Pass, Buckhorn Mountain and a No Name Bump South of the Pass.

  • Road rough but passable
  • Trail snow free the first 3200 ft but covered with some avoidable icy spots in places. The last 400 ft below the Pass were covered in 1 inch or less of snow, slippery in places but manageable without traction devices. Snow in general present on the North aspects of the slopes while south aspect were pretty dry even up higher, on the route to Buckhorn. Scramble up Buckhorn was straight forward. We made it on the summit in less than 3 1/2 h.

The drive to the TH was straight forward except the last 3 miles "mined" with hard to avoid postholes. 

Not quite the conditions (favorable for snowshoeing) l was planning for when l posted the scramble but we had a great day nonetheless. Better than expected weather with sunshine and gorgeous views. We made it to the Marmot Pass under 2 1/2 h and one hour later we were on the Buckhorn summit. After returning to the Pass, we decided to also tag the bump located south of it for a closer look to Constance and all its neighbors. Made it back to TH before 3 pm and summed up a less than 7 h day.