
Trip Report    

Winter Scramble - Roaring Ridge

Well worth doing as a snowshoe or winter scramble from the north for its stunning views.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • We parked at Hayak's Lower Lot which is considered an overflow lot.  Lots of parking available, but I would suggest getting there an hour before the ski slopes open.  Our route, but one can easily stay on the road more or less.   Screenshot_20230130_050416_Drive.jpg

The 10 of us left the parking area around 8:30am on a beautiful, but very cold day.  It's a flat 2 miles road hike on FR 9070 before we leave it.  We get a great view of Roaring Ridge from the road.52658020318_d5a92486c0_o.jpgOnce we leave the road, we climb steeply through the trees crossing a couple roads before reaching a wonderful view at 3700' where we take a short break in the sunshine.    52657526851_2057fceb01_o.jpgThen we continue southward, following service roads off and on.   We often see ski tracks on the road, but not so much when off. 20230129_115037 (1).jpgAt about 4200' we arrive at a bowl and get a good view of the ridge.  We will follow the ski tracks that traverse the steep slope to another flatter area and then switchbacks up to the ridge.52659432241_ba1ffeaff9_o.jpg

Arrived at the flat spot below the switchbacks.  This area was pretty steep so grateful for the many switchbacks and ski tracks.20230129_122842.jpg

Moving up the steep slope.52657039617_1f87268570_o.jpg

What we see from the ridge on this very clear and cold day.52657525406_e6961ca5a8_o.jpg

Keechelus Lake below.

52657040042_d9cc0ff5bc_o.jpgContinuing on the ridge for the highpoint.52658021073_45e890550b_o.jpgLooking back.  It looks like snowmobiles have been here, coming up from the south.52657976595_bdb652bf95_o.jpg

There are almost no views at the highpoint so we return to the views and have lunch before heading down.  We would have stayed longer if not for the cold.  20230129_142308.jpg20230129_142339.jpg Great day, great group.52657811749_f5929b6109_o (2).jpg

My GAIA read 8.5 miles/2700' gain.  Took us almost 8.5hrs (5:45 - moving time) at a social pace.


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