For our member profile this week, we talked to our very own Kristina Ciari, Mountaineers' Membership and Marketing Manager. Her spirit of adventure takes her to mountains and crags all over the world - from Alaska to Croatia to Thailand. And as a Turns-All-Year skier of 48 months and counting, she's very familiar with the mountains and volcanos of the Pacific NW.
Name: Kristina Ciari
Hometown: Bozeman, MT
Member Since: June 2013
Occupation: Membership & Marketing Manager for The Mountaineers
Favorite Activities: Backcountry Skiing, Ski Mountaineering, Running, and Sport Climbing - all while wearing a tutu of course.
How did you get involved with The Mountaineers?
My first experience with The Mountaineers was in 2012 when I volunteered as a victim for a Wilderness First Aid scenario. Then I heard about a job opening — and with my work experience and passion for the outdoors, I knew it was the job for me. Plus, it was the only opportunity I would be willing to give up my summer of funemployment for. I officially joined The Mountaineers in June of 2013 as the Membership and Marketing Manager.
Why is getting outside important to you?
Spending time outside is my sanity. As a runner, skier, climber, and “life enthusiast,” I seek opportunities to challenge myself in new and interesting ways. The outdoor community has really given me everything: my friends and chosen family, my personal sense of self, and my career at The Mountaineers, where I’m encouraged to pursue my personal and professional passions for getting outside.
Favorite Mountaineers Memory?
A few weeks into my tenure here, I thought it would be fun to host a slideshow for Kyle Miller and Jason Hummel to talk about their recent completion of the American Alps Traverse — a 120-mile, 16-day journey, originally imagined by Mountaineers Historian Lowell Skoog. I scheduled the event for a random Wednesday night in August. It was my first event and I just hoped people would show up. Show up they did! The 450 people who walked into our building to support these local guys completely floored me. This was the first time I really saw the power of The Mountaineers’ community, and I continue to be invigorated by the excitement our community brings to everything we do.
Who/What inspires you?
I’m inspired by the accomplishments of others. Whether you’ve on-sited your first 5.6 on top-rope or paddled around the San Juans or summited Mt. Rainier, I am stoked on your achievement.
We often compare ourselves to others in a negative way, so instead, I try to focus not on how people are doing things faster/harder/better than me, but on the fact that people are challenging themselves and realizing the sense of personal satisfaction that comes with breaking down personal barriers.
What does adventure mean to you?
Adventure is doing anything that makes you smile. Embrace what makes you happy. Ruthlessly pursue opportunities to challenge yourself. Be who you are and you might be surprised by what you find.
- Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise
- Smile or game face? Smile
- Superpower? Teleportation
- Post-adventure meal of choice? Something fresh like a salad or a bunch of fruit, but of course that’s always accompanied by a Rainier Beer.
- If you could be a rock star at any outdoor activity overnight, what would it be? Speed flying (aka parachute skiing)
This article originally appeared in our July/August 2015 issue of Mountaineer magazine. To view the printed article and read more stories from our bi-monthly publication, click here.