2016 Incident Charts (January-August)

A graphical look at 2016 Mountaineer Incidents (January-August).
David Shema David Shema
Safety Chair
September 12, 2016
2016 Incident Charts (January-August)
Rescue on Mt Si

The data below was extracted from the Safety Incident reports submitted by trip leaders and participants. Interpretation of the incident narrative was  often done to best categorize the incidents.

We share lessons from our safety incidents in our Safety blog to learn from our mistakes and share ideas for how to avoid incidents. 


Total number of Mountaineer Incidents 

January - August 2016 


Major Incidents

January - August 2016 

MAJOR - Emergency medical or hospital treatment, or SAR response.








Significant Incidents
January - August 2016 

SIGNIFICANT - After-trip doctor visit, or SAR called but not needed.









MINOR - All others.









The approximate % of the most frequent incidents (2015-2016):

  • 25%  Slips
  • 10% Rockfall
  • 5%  Fall on rock
  • 5% Fall on snow
  • 5% Safety concern
  • 5% Ice axe arrest issues 

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