Mountaineer members and the general public are invited to our Annual Potluck Dinner and Gear Grab on Wednesday March 1st. Don't miss this opportunity to pick up some bargains and meet our guest speaker, Craig Romano.
Meet your fellow Everett Mountaineers and hear an inspirational speaker from Guidebook Author Craig Romano. Trust us, you don't want to miss this!
For the Potluck
Those with last names beginning with the letters A through L should bring a main dish. Those will last names beginning with letters M through S should bring a side dish or salad. Those with last names beginning with letters T through Z should bring a dessert.
FOR THE Gear Grab
Bring that outdoor gear that has been cluttering up your garage since the beginning of time. Be prepared to sell, buy, or trade.
We have an excellent progam for you. Craig Romano will be presenting his latest release: Day Hiking Olympic Peninsula 2nd Edition and will have copies available to purchase. You can also bring your own for him to autograph.
Craig will present an amazing hiking tour, drawing from his long-awaited for, and newly released, guidebook. He will introduce you to a diverse array of trails on the Olympic Peninsula. Craig hiked more than 2000 miles researching this book from easy nature trails to wilderness romps. This all new completely revised and updated volume contains 136 hikes, including many found in no other guidebooks. Many of the hikes from the previous edition have been greatly expanded providing for even more hiking opportunities.
Craig is one of the most prolific trails writers in the Northwest having penned more than a dozen books covering the region. His Columbia Highlands: Exploring Washington's Last Frontier, was recognized in 2010 by Washington Secretary of State, Sam Reed and State Librarian, Jan Walsh as a Washington Reads book for its contribution to Washington's cultural heritage.
Upcoming GeaR GrabS In Seattle and Tacoma
Not in Everett but have gear you want purchase or sell? Check out our Open House & Gear Grab in Tacoma on February 18th and Gear Grab in Seattle (Beacon Hill) on March 5.