The National Trails System (NTS) Act was passed in 1968, making 2018 its fiftieth anniversary. Among all of the trails stewarded by this Act, the 2600-mile Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) is one of just 11 designated National Scenic Trails. The anniversary coincides with publication of Mountaineers Books' final volume in its four-book Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail set. Released in February, Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail: Northern California joins the Southern California, Oregon, and Washington volumes to finish the most up-to-date and comprehensive guidebooks to this long-distance challenge.
The National Scenic Trails are the system's long-distance treasures. The PCT travels from Mexico to Canada, beginning in the desert at the south end and moving up into the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountain ranges for most of the route.
Mountaineers Books PCT guidebooks are lush, complete, and in full color. Since most people hiking the Pacific Crest Trail are section hikers and not through hikers, each book offers many section hiking ideas from day outings to backpacking trips you can do on a long weekend or a one week vacation.
While it is a monumental undertaking to through-hike the entire route, lots of hikers have many summers of fun piecing together a full-state section of the trail, a big accomplishment in itself. The four authors -- one for each volume -- are all professional outdoor writers and backcountry experts.
The books will teach you how to plan your trip, pack for it, provision along the way, and get to and from trail entrances, among lots of other information.
All four authors will present at The Mountaineers BeWild "Hiking the PCT" event on May 22, 2018. The authors will also be doing events for their particular guidebooks at a variety of venues which you can find in our events calendar.
Pictured clockwise from top left are authors Shawnte Salabert (Southern California), Philip Kramer (Northern California), Eli Boschetto (Oregon), and Tami Asars (Washington).
Photo at top by Philip Kramer, from Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail: Northern California