If you have been a Mountaineers member for a while, you may have noticed some members with award badges on their profiles. With some recent website improvements, we've made it easier for you to learn about the awards and how you can get one!
We've given our Award Badges a major face-lift, with many getting new award images associated based on the original pin or patch designs. Other badge designs are still in the works. If you're a peak bagger or channel paddler, we have an award for you. Learn all about them on our Award Badges pages, and know that we're continuing to update the content for each award badge so you'll know what it takes to earn it.
A little history
The earliest awards were given in 1910, and were awarded for climbing peaks in the greater Snoqualmie area for climbing achievements. Starting a popular tradition, more more peaks, trails, and waterways were added to the award roster, along with service awards for excellence in leadership and volunteerism.
Today, 35 awards are available to all members. Some branches have special awards available only to members of that branch - those awards are not displayed here. Some awards were originally not branch specific, such as the Snoqualmie 10 or Five Majors, but with the creation of the Seattle Branch in the late 1990’s, the Seattle branch took on management of those awards. All members can earn these awards.
Visit the Awards Page to learn more about their history and how to obtain them.
Are you missing an award badge you received? Contact Member Services to have it added to your profile.