We are facing a unique opportunity to protect 1.5 million acres of land in the Mountains to Sound Greenway. Extending from the Seattle waterfront to Ellensburg, the Greenway is an outdoor recreation paradise, hosting 1,600 miles of trails, excellent whitewater run, backcountry skiing and snowshoeing terrain, rock climbing routes, mountain bike trails, and views of the stunning Cascade Crest.
But to make it happen, Congress needs to hear from people like you who love and want to protect this beautiful region.
Right now, there's an opportunity to have the Greenway designated as a National Heritage Area by introducing a bill in the next month, which would protect this phenomenal landscape and enhance our ability to hike, bike, climb, paddle, run, and camp there.
We're partnering with other outdoor recreation groups in Washington to encourage people who love the outdoors to sign this petition because there's power in numbers.
As an outdoor enthusiast who lives in this region, your voice is incredibly powerful with our decision-makers in Washington, DC. Will you please take one minute to sign our petition calling Congress to pass a bill designating the Mountains to Sound Greenway as a National Heritage Area?
Our goal is to gather 1,000 petition signatures from the human-powered recreation community by May 15.
What a great way to celebrate Earth Day and make a tangible difference - lend your voice and sign the petition right now.