Corporate Endowment Creates Innovative "Alpine SCUBA" Program

Joining together for a unique partnership in the outdoor education and recreation industry, corporate benefactors are fueling a new program at The Mountaineers: Alpine SCUBA.
Chris Williams Chris Williams
Leadership Development Manager
April 01, 2015
Corporate Endowment Creates Innovative "Alpine SCUBA" Program

Hundreds of people hike up the stunning peaks of the Cascade Mountain range and visit the Pacific Northwest's gorgeous alpine lakes each weekend. But only recently have innovative pioneers begun exploring what was under the surface of those hiking destinations! The Mountaineers Alpine SCUBA diving program now makes that possible for everyone! 

We never thought it would happen, but now we can make dreams come true for tens of people!

Ice Diving

With resources from generous companies like Outdoor Research, this sport is now the fastest-growing outdoor, water-based, high-altitude recreational activity to be offered in Washington state. "In areas where alpine water activities are more firmly established, the outdoor industry has ignored the powerful market opportunities that have existed since our nation's founding," explained university-level Economic History professor Leann Arend. "Few people know that George Washington carried a snorkel-based ice ax with him as he crossed the Potomac. He was skilled - and prepared - to win our country's freedom from any altitude."

High-altitude lakes would have  provided the perfect vantage point from which to launch a surprise attack against the British, who were completely unfamiliar with fighting techniques that required basic climbing and hiking techniques. Our corporate partners have just begun capitalizing on this legacy to help us revive this classic American tradition.

Icey SCUBA diving 2

 If you have an interest in hiking or climbing miles of alpine wilderness with a metal tank on your back and rubber flippers with metal spikes on them - just so you can explore the freezing rocks and whatever crazy fish might live underneath the glacier-fed waters of our Cascade peaks - sign up for the next Mountaineers Alpine SCUBA course here now!  Our books division also recently released a great guide to the 100 Classic Hikes on Mars, some of which culminate at alpine lakes! Another fantastic opportunity to put your new skills to good use.

Happy April 1 everyone. 

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Joe Osowski
Joe Osowski says:
Apr 01, 2015 12:47 PM

I can't wait, now I know what to use my 20% coupon and REI dividend on!

Webster Chang
Webster Chang says:
Apr 01, 2015 12:56 PM

As a hypo-thermal alpine submersion enthusiast, I can't say enough how excited I am to see this course. Especially with these kids today, what with their flashy climbing and ill-regard for splashing fundamentals, doing who-knows-what at their local gym's natural glacier phenomenon.

Doug Canfield
Doug Canfield says:
Apr 01, 2015 01:30 PM

This looks cool (very, very cool). I understand that since Chris Williams discovered this new activity, he has volunteered to carry up everyone's air tanks. Yeah Chris!

Sean Garcia
Sean Garcia says:
Mar 22, 2024 04:20 PM

I would legitimately sign up for this.