Courses & Activities

Courses & Activities

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To Everest and Beyond - Tom Hornbein Reflects on Life and Mountains

As Tom Hornbein stood in the shadow of Everest, he knew getting to the top wasn’t enough. He wanted more.

In 1963, Tom was a member of a sponsored expedition designed to send the first Americans to the summit of the highest peak in the world. The strategy was clear: climb the South Col route first established by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay in 1953. While summiting via the South Col was far from a guarantee, the proven route was their best chance.  Read more…

Photography Challenge: Feet - April 2018

For April, get down low and shoot images of feet. It can be your feet doing something interesting, or other people’s feet, or even animal feet (paws). Include faces if you want – but make sure the true subjects (the feet) really stand out. Read more…

Did You Know? The Hummocks-Boundary Trail

The Hummocks-Boundary Trail is a great way to get up close and personal with Mount St Helens and gain a new perspective of the May 1980 eruption. The trail is located within Mount St. Helens National Monument in the Gifford Pinchot Forest. Read more…

Damnation Peak Winter Scramble - Situations Come in Threes

Due to avalanche danger higher on the ridge (we hit wind deposition at 3900' on the ridge with 40 degree slopes either side), I elected to turn the group back. The descent to Damnation Creek was steep in places, but mostly in the 20-30 degree range. As soon as we turned around, several issues immediately rose. Read more…

"1001 Climbing Tips" Author Shares His Top Five Tips

Author Andy Kirkpatrick, who also happens to be a renouned big wall and alpine climber, recently wrote  1001 Climbing Tips, published by Mountaineers Books. That's a lot of tips! Since Andy is known for big, cold, scary climbs around the world, we thought we'd give him a challenge: Out of the 1001 tips in your book, what are your top five and why? Read more…

Know Before You Go: Your First Mountaineers Hike

Maybe you’re an experienced hiker looking for a new community of outdoor enthusiasts. Or perhaps you have a bucket list with hikes to see a waterfall or lake, reach an overlook view point, or catch the wildflowers in peak season. Perhaps this is your first hike in decades, or ever! Regardless of why you’ve joined The Mountaineers on a hike, we are excited that you’re here, and we want to help you prepare to head out on your first hike with our community. Welcome! Read more…

Join Us For A Spring Photography Field Trip To See Your Favorite Places In A New Way

You can capture the magic of nature right in your own backyard. Join us this spring for field trips with our Seattle Photography Committee to explore a city lake, the waterfront, downtown, a ghost town, see migratory birds, and more! Read more…

An Unexpected Adventure in Chile

Morning light was just beginning to illuminate the tops of the white granite cliffs surrounding our green valley when Señora Anita arrived to make breakfast. She stoked the wood stove in our tiny refugio and with impressive grace and speed, whipped up fresh rolls, an egg casserole, hot coffee, and tea — all without the benefit of heat controls other than adding and re-arranging wood and coals. Our group sat on a bench, sharing warmth of the stove, sipping coffee, and marveling at the culinary performance in the morning light. Read more…

Introducing Photography Workshops: Master Landscapes, Close-Ups, and Street Scenes

The Seattle branch Photography Committee has three workshops coming up between now through May, two of them brand new! Join us to learn how to  master landscapes, close-ups, and street scenes. Read more…

The Day Hiker's Ten Essentials

You’ve probably heard of the Ten Essentials, but if you’re new to hiking, the list can feel daunting. So what do you actually need to bring on your easy or moderate day hike? This is what I’ll have in my pack. Read more…

Seattle Photography Committee Featured Member - March 2018

Name: Harry F Higgins
Hometown: Sumner, WA
Member Since: 1998
Occupation: Civil Legal Aid Paralegal; Professional Photographer
Favorite Things to Photograph: Architecture, Nature, Abstracts Read more…

Go sailing with The Mountaineers - March 18

Join our Mountaineers skippers for a raft-up party potluck and sail out of Port Madison on March 18. Then, sign up for a sailing course to learn how to sail this spring and enjoy free sailing all summer long! Read more…

Leader Spotlight: Danielle Graham

For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Danielle Graham, a volunteer leader with the Foothills Branch who encourages aspiring leaders to glean tips and tricks from every leader they interact with, and who wants all members to feel valued and included in The Mountaineers' community. Read more…

Rescue on Dome Peak

On June 20th of 2015, a team of six Everett Mountaineers set out for Dome Peak — a remote glacier climb in the Darrington Ranger District. Dome is prominent along the Cascade Crest, one of the Bulgers, and a full 3-day trip brimming with interesting terrain. The Mountaineers website describes it as a “challenging” trip, rates it a “strenuous 5/5,” and points out that, “fitness for long days is essential.” So basically we had signed on for a suffer-fest. Read more…

Climbing to New Heights: Alpine Ambassadors Complete Inaugural Trip to Canmore

Over a frigid week in mid-February, seventeen Mountaineers from across the organization converged in the warm and welcoming Canadian Alpine Club Lodge in Canmore, Alberta, to spend a week working on ice climbing skills in this penultimate North American ice destination.   Read more…

Kayaking Cape Scott: A Leader's Perspective - Feb 28

A year ago, I had the notion to lead a group of Mountaineers sea kayakers on a difficult trip around the northwest corner of Vancouver Island. This is a classic trip because the launch point (Port Hardy) and the landing point (Coal Harbor) are separated by only 20 minutes of driving - and 100 miles of remote, beautiful coastline. It is a thru paddle with a very easy shuttle. But the paddling is mostly open coast, much of which is exposed to ocean swell with surf on the beaches. It's an advanced paddle and it takes two weeks. So, I wondered:  How will I find a group of capable and compatible kayakers? Read more…

Invasion of the Modern Body Snatchers

It was an absolutely breathtaking Northwest late fall afternoon. I was doing field research (translation=hiking) for my upcoming Urban Trails Eastside Mountaineers Books guidebook. My task was to check out a patch of urban greenery on Lake Washington’s eastern shore. As I walked down this park’s trails and across its boardwalks, I was mesmerized by the surrounding natural beauty and by the moment itself. The sun was low, the sky deep blue. Rays of sunlight kissed my face and danced across the shimmering waters of a quiet bay. They illuminated the resident waterfowl and intensified the brilliant colors of the autumn foliage. The sun continued to sink in the sky and my surroundings became more surrealistic. I was in pure hiking heaven — utterly elated — senses completely stimulated.  Read more…

Nepal's Extraordinary Culture & Landscapes | A Unique Perspective - Mar 16

Photojournalist, adventurer, and author Erika Klimecky has traveled to Nepal several times on various adventures, which has given her a unique window into the country of Nepal and its people. Her photo tour will combine storytelling, imagery and culture of Himalaya and Nepal, giving you enough inside knowledge so you can plan a trip of your own and appreciate it more when you get there. Read more…

Did You Know? Mount St. Helens

Long before Washington State's Mount St. Helens famously erupted in 1980, the mountain was a defining feature in the landscape Native American tribes called home. Check out the legend of Mount St. Helens and check out some tips for planning your trip to this beautiful area. Read more…

Take your leadership skills to a new level as a Global Adventures leader in 2018

Are you an experienced Mountaineers activity leader who dreams of taking Mountaineers companions on multi-day adventures in far-flung places? Global Adventures leaders have taken groups skiing, snowshoeing, climbing, scrambling, backpacking, trekking, and day-walking in Alaska, the Rockies, Patagonia, Peru, the Himalayas, the British Isles, New Zealand, and more. The Global Adventures program may be the perfect place for you to live your travel dreams, and at the same time, take your trip planning and group leadership skills to a new level.   Read more…

Seattle Photography Committee Featured Member - Feb 2018

Name: Mike Waller
Hometown: Normandy Park Washington
Member Since: 2008
Occupation: Retired, former Director Woodland Park Zoo, early in his career, Mike worked as a project manager on Gasworks Park and the Seattle Aquarium.
Favorite Things to Photograph: Mike is generally a "photographic omnivore", but currently concentrates on landscape/travel, street/event and abstract photography. While at the zoo, Mike did a lot of wildlife photography, much of it in Africa. Read more…

Travel to the Swiss Alps or Costa Rica with The Mountaineers

Have you been dreaming of active adventure travel in exciting new places around the world? We have two upcoming chances  to experience active adventures in stunning places with other fun and capable Mountaineers, led by experienced volunteer leaders. Read more…

Backpacking with Kids Course: May-Sept 2018

Many current Mountaineers had their start as kids when their parents got them out into the backcountry and taught them the skills and resilience to enjoy the outdoor world. Be a part of continuing this legacy with your own kids, by taking the Backpacking with Kids Course. Read more…

A Climbing Proposal on the Summit of Denali

Some journeys begin with a single step — and some with years of planning and research, months of training, and weeks of food and logistics preparation. Evan’s 2016 summit of Denali falls in the latter category, but then so do most successful expeditions. Read more…

Leader Spotlight: Tom Eckhout

For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Tom Eckhout, a volunteer leader with the Olympia Branch who cherishes every moment he has in the mountains. Read more…

Upcoming Photography Classes

Get to know your camera better and learn new skills!  The Seattle Branch Photography Committee is offering photography workshops during the first half of 2018 to help you capture your adventures and savor them later. Read more…

Where and When to Photograph Nature in Washington

Sunny Walter was a dedicated Mountaineers member and passionate photographer, with a keen interest in the natural world. When she was Chair of our Seattle Photography Committee, she compiled a list of the best places and times to capture nature in Washington. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Deborah Fisher

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to.... Read more…

Friction Slabs Rope Cutting Ceremony

On Sunday, January 21, a group of 30 donors and volunteers gathered at the Seattle Program Center to celebrate the long overdue completion of the Friction Slabs project. The idea was born in 2012. Plans were drawn and funds were raised, however the process became much more of a lift than anyone could have anticipated. Fast forward six years, and we have (as far as we can tell) the only fabricated friction slab training structure in existence!  Read more…

Rescue in the Mountains - What to Expect

As much as we plan and prepare for a trip, sometimes things go sideways. It just takes a twisted ankle in the backcountry to throw a monkey wrench into our travel plans. Our own safety report records show that slips, trips and falls dominate all categories of severity of incidents reported each year. What can we expect when calling for help?   Read more…