Final days of a 1 to 1 match to inspire youth. Give today.

With your contribution today you can help say "yes" to more inner-city youth like Kayla who desperately need to experience the benefits of time outside with The Mountaineers.
Caitlin O'Brien Caitlin O'Brien
October 29, 2015
Final days of a 1 to 1 match to inspire youth. Give today.

With your contribution today you can help say "yes" to more inner-city youth like Kayla who desperately need to experience the benefits of time outside with The Mountaineers. 

Kayla and her classmates at Bailey Gatzert Elementary School sent us thank you notes for helping them try new challenges and explore nature through Mountain Workshops and our MAP scholarship fund - a resource made possible through contributions from members like you.

Give today and fill the MAP scholarship fund with resources to give Mountain Workshop experiences to all kids who need it this school year.

Double your Impact

You'll also double your impact through a $20,000 matching challenge which is set to expire on October 31. You have just a few more days to make your tax-deductible donation to help us meet this challenge!

Like you, we know being outside is healthy, and we know it helps us physically, mentally, emotionally. Together we can advance a vision of all youth experiencing the benefits of time outside and developing a love of the outdoors. 

Whether you give is entirely your choice. But you can make a difference by considering the largest contribution you can to make these experiences possible.

Please give today

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