Freedom10 is Launched

Read our event recap for our two "Freedom10" launch events, view the event photos, and see what is next for the "Freedom10" road show.
Rose Burke Rose Burke
Associate Director of Events & Partnerships
October 05, 2024
Freedom10 is Launched

To celebrate the launch of the 10th Edition of Mountaineers Books flagship title, Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills, we hosted two events – a Kickoff Party and Deep Dive – that brought together 230 members, volunteers, and staff, along with Freedom fans and contributors of the latest edition. 


On Monday, September 23 we gathered at the REI Seattle Flagship store for our Freedom10 Kickoff Party. Twenty of the 10th edition contributors were in attendance and nine led activity stations highlighting topics from Freedom10, including mountain weather, knot and rope skills, how climate change is impacting mountain recreation, important navigation tools, avalanche awareness, and updates to climbing self rescue for glacier travel. Staff from Mountaineers Books led a Freedom of the Hills trivia activity and our partner, Seattle Mountain Rescue, were on hand to share about all-season mountain safety.

Nearly 140 attendees enjoyed a beautiful evening on the REI outdoor terrace, moving through activity stations while filling out their Freedom10 Activity Passport and interacting with Freedom10 contributors such as Steve Swenson, Jeff Renner, Peter Hendrickson, and Steve McClure. Completed Activity Passports were entered into  a prize drawing with packages from event hosts. Participants also enjoyed a delicious dinner by Paella House and beverages from Mountaineers sponsors, Georgetown Brewing, Ghostfish Brewing, Seattle Cider, and Tinte Cellars.

 IMG_8736.jpgFreedom10 contributors Peter Hendrickson and Loren McWethy pose at their activity stations about avalanche education and climate change during the REI Kickoff Party. 

As the sun was setting, all participants gathered around the terrace stage for a short speaking program to honor and celebrate the 10th edition. Tom Vogl, CEO of The Mountaineers, spoke to the history of Freedom and spoke to the relationship between REI and The Mountaineers, as well as the history of Freedom and its role in founding Mountaineers Books. He also thanked the many donors that helped fund the 10th edition. Tom Helleberg, Publisher of Mountaineers Books, dove into the making of the 10th edition and the key staff that helped make it happen, especially lead editor, Laura Shauger. And last, Eric Linzweiler, who project managed, recruited, and led the content creation of Freedom10, honored the nearly 50 contributors of the 10th edition including the section leads, contributing writers, and reviewers. He also emphasized the major updates and changes to the 10th edition.

 DSC00662.jpgMountaineers CEO, Tom Vogl, speaks from the stage at the REI Kickoff Party. Nearly 140 people attended the event.


As a follow up to the Kickoff, on Thursday, September 26, we gathered for the Freedom10 Deep Dive. This event was intended to highlight and “nerd out” on the new elements of 10th edition. 

After a lovely reception that featured dinner by Mainstay Provisions, as well as opportunities for guests to get their Freedom10 copy signed by attending contributors, we gathered for a speaking program. Tom Vogl  kicked off the event with a few remarks and was followed by Kate Rogers, Editor in Chief of Mountaineers Books. Kate gave a shout out to the unique history of Freedom of the Hills and the incredible numbers behind the 10th edition:

  • 2.5 pounds—the weight of one paperback copy
  • 4+ years in the making
  • 24 core contributors + 30 additional reviewers
  • 440 illustrations + 624 printed, bound pages
  • 900 hours of development editing & copyediting
  • 20,000 initial paperback units printed
  • All to create, edit, and produce the approximately 330,000 words that comprise Freedom 10!
IMG_8749.jpgA copy of Freedom10.

Kate was followed by Eric Linxweiler, who thanked the contributors that helped make the book. Eric then gave the stage to three of the Freedom10 section leads: Peter Hendrickson, Bill Ashby, and Steve Swenson, who dove into the specific changes made to the 10th edition. The speaking program ended with Eric giving a toast to the 10th edition:

“Throughout its history spanning more than a century, The Mountaineers has consistently celebrated its volunteer ethos, emphasizing the complementary goals of inspiring outdoor exploration and offering comprehensive mountaineer education. Freedom transcends the efforts of a few individuals – it embodies the collective knowledge of an organization devoted to cherishing and sharing the wisdom and gifts of the mountains for more than a century. Cheers to us all!”

 IMG_8818.jpgEric Linxweiler talks about the contributors that helped make Freedom10 during the Deep Dive.

After the speaking program, Cece Venzon, a dedicated Seattle Branch volunteer, broke up the nearly 90 attendees into groups to enjoy the Deep Dive breakout sessions. During the breakout sessions key contributors led activities, presentations, or demos focused on key learnings, takeaways, and new or updated material in the 10th edition. Nathan Foster led a session on knots and ropes, Bill Ashby focused on aspects of safety, Steve McClure talked about updates to navigation equipment and Takeo Kuraishi, and Dave Foong led a demonstration of new methods and equipment for climbing self rescue on a glacier.

 IMG_8840.jpgFreedom10 contributing writer, Steve McClure, engages with participants about essential tools for navigation.

A Deep Dive highlight for many was Steve Swenson’s session on ice climbing tools that featured a 300-pound block of clear ice. Many called the ice block “mesmerizing” and loved the opportunity to practice using various ice climbing equipment.

 IMG_8858.jpgSteve Swenson leads a session on ice climbing tools with the 300-pound ice block outside the Seattle Program Center.
 20240926_191553.jpg Participant at the Deep Dive tries out using an ice screw.

By evening’s end, many walked away with not just a copy of Freedom10, but a deeper appreciation for and fuller picture of our flagship title. Mountaineers staff member and Deep Dive attendee, Mckenzie Campbell Davies, remarked that she was so glad she attended and that during the breakout sessions she “learned so much in such a short period of time.”


 Following closely on the heels of these launch events, Mountaineers Books has organized a book tour at Mountaineers branches and partner organizations. Each event will feature Freedom10 contributors. Be sure to check out these upcoming events:

Oct 9 | 6:30pm 
The Mazamas Base Camp Speaker Series
Information & Registration

Oct 12 | 6pm 
Olympia Branch Banquet Keynote Address
Information & Tickets

Nov 2 | 5:30pm
Everett Branch Banquet Remarks 
Information & Tickets

Nov 17 | 5pm 
Foothills Branch Banquet Remarks
Information & Registration

Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate this milestone in publication, and thank you to staff at The Mountaineers, Mountaineers Books, and REI who helped make these events a success. Also, a special thank you to the REI Flagship store for sponsoring the event and hosting the Kickoff Party. 

If you have yet to purchase your copy of Freedom10, you can still buy one.

Buy Freedom10

 Please enjoy all of our photos from the REI Kickoff and Deep Dive event. 

Freedom10 Photo Gallery

 IMG_8776.jpgTwelve of the 20 contributing writers of Freedom10 pose together at the REI Kickoff Party.

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