Our outdoor experiences are organized and led by volunteers based out of seven branches:
Bellingham | Everett | Foothills | Kitsap
Olympia | Seattle |Tacoma
Branches sponsor in town social events like movie nights, potlucks and speaker series. The branches also house our committees - aka groups of volunteers who schedule and manage our trips, programs, and courses related to their areas of interest and expertise (like hiking, sailing, or skiing).
Regardless of your personal branch affiliation, you can still attend and participate in all Mountaineers activities regardless of the branch sponsoring the activity.
The first step to connecting with your branch community is to make sure you are receiving branch emails for the branch you are interested in.
Your branch should show up under your name right above your email on the My Profile page:
If you simply see "The Mountaineers" listed in this area or no designation or the wrong branch designated you'll want to edit your profile. Find the blue "Edit Profile" button and scroll down to the Branch section, pick your branch and click SAVE.
The next step is making sure that in the Preferences area you have "opted-in" to receive branch emails by checking the box next to the Branch communications.
Once you are set up to receive branch news you can also check out what is happening at your branch by clicking the blue branch link on your profile page to find upcoming events and fun blogs from your fellow Mountaineers members.
Volunteering at an upcoming event is a great way to meet people and get involved with The Mountaineers.
Interested in volunteering your time as a trip leader rather than for an event. Talk to your branch chair and activity committee chairs about the best way to get events set up on the website or become a leader!
And, make sure your Volunteer Profile that contains your skills and interests is up to date!