Deloa Dalby has been the Foothills Conservation Committee Chairperson since its inception in 2019. With her experience as a member of the Board of Directors for the Mountains to Sound Greenway, she had just the right skills to establish a committee responsible for administering conservation, advocacy, restoration, and educational programs under the auspices of the Foothills Branch. The Committee charter is organized under the CARE acronym for conservation, advocacy, restoration, and education.
Deloa is also a member of The Mountaineers Conservation & Advocacy Committee and is on the leadership teams for Savor Snoqualmie Valley, Snoqualmie Valley Outdoor Recreation Team, and the Trailhead Ambassadors program. She established a partnership between The Mountaineers and the Mountains to Sound Greenway. Through this partnership, Mountaineers stewardship volunteers helped build the Garfield Ledge in the Middle Fork Snoqualmie Valley.
Deloa and the Foothills Conservation Committee were also instrumental in creating stewardship opportunities for Mountaineers volunteers at Shadow Lake Nature Preserve and with the Trailhead Ambassadors program. The committee is currently working on a new re-routed section of trail at Teneriffe Falls that was obliterated by rockfall.
Contact Deloa if you’re interested in stewardship, have a relationship with a partner organization, or would like to become a stewardship leader for the Foothills Branch. She’d love to have you join the team!
Attend a Branch Council Meeting
The best way to become familiar with the Branch Council is to attend a Branch Council meeting. These meetings are open to all Foothills Branch members who would like to learn more about what’s going on in the branch or contribute their ideas. Join us at the next Branch Council Meeting on September 5.