Max approached us with the following:
(Max's mother approved us passing on This information)
"Hi, my name is Max and I am a sixth grader at ***** in Edmonds. My big class project this year is called the Passion Project. The passion project is a project where you write an essay about a subject you are passionate about, the other part of the project is to give a presentation about the subject. My passion is skiing, and I have chosen to do my project on the aspect of ski safety because it is so important.
I saw on your website that the mountaineers offer different types of youth programs, including school group education. Since we are encouraged to have a guest speaker at our presentation, I was wondering if anyone at the mountaineers would be willing to volunteer their time to speak to my class abut ski safety and avalanche control. Please let me know if this is a possibility. Thanks so much for considering my request. I hope to hear from you soon."
Foothills Branch member Bryan Phillippe stepped forward and met with Max and his family before Max's presentation to help him prepare. Bryan then attended the lesson as a guest speaker for Max, who did a great job teaching his class about avalanche safety and beacon use!
This is just one of many ways The Mountaineers help people "explore, conserve, learn about and enjoy the lands and waters of the Pacific Northwest & beyond!!!"