How to #OptOutside this Thanksgiving

#OptOutside with The Mountaineers this Thanksgiving season. Check out our trip listings and don't forget to share photos using the hashtag #MountiesOptOutside to see your fellow members and their families enjoying our outdoor playgrounds!
The Mountaineers The Mountaineers
October 28, 2016
How to #OptOutside this Thanksgiving

Last year REI made headlines with their decision to close stores on Black Friday and pay their employees to #OptOutside. At The Mountaineers, we couldn't love this decision more. Like REI, we believe going outside is not just good for your health - but good for your soul. 

That's why our employees have always enjoyed the day after Thanksgiving as a vacation day, and this year we're giving our staff an extra half-day off before Thanksgiving to get a jump start on the long weekend.



As a 110-year old volunteer-run club, we have a long history of choosing adventure. Our volunteer leaders want to help you OptOutside this Thanksgiving - and every! - weekend. Check out our current activity listings, and remember to check back as we're listing new ways to get outside all the time.

November 24-27 Activities

And remember, if you have a guest in town for the holiday they can create a free guest member account to opt outside with you.


Feeling iffy about the upcoming winter season? Maybe you'd like a winter travel refresher? Take a snowshoe or ski course with The Mountaineers to ensure you're exploring safely and responsibly.



Gold Creek Basin

Perfect for getting out of the house with family of all mobility levels. The 3/4 mile loop around gold creek pond is ADA accessible  and then if you want a more rigourous outing continue deep into the Gold Creek valley.  For more info pick up a copy of Day Hiking Snoqualmie Region or if it's been snowing at Snoqualmie Pass then Snowshoe Routes: Washington

Comet Falls

A 300 foot waterfall... need we say more? This popular summer trail is also a great off-season destination. Just make sure to check with the rangers about snow level, and don't forget that Mount Rainier National Park requires chains in your car after November 1. Learn more .

Newberry Hill Heritage Park

Over 12 miles of trails to choose your own family friendly adventure.Grab our new Urban Trails: Kitsap guidebook for more details.  

Mount Washington (I-90)

Want to burn a few calories? This trail has similar elevation and mileage to Mount Si with fewer people and a view of a lake at the top. The trail travels through a couple different ecosystems on fairly steady tread. Do check local trip reports for snow because the top can turn into a more technical snow scramble. Learn more.

Bridal Veil Falls and Lake Serene

The falls should be gushing this time of year making it a great outing rain or shine. There may be snow on the approach to Lake Serene (a mile past the falls) so don't forget your poles and traction devices. Learn more.


If you get outside over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, we encourage you to share your photos with us online using the #OptOutside hashtag in conjunction with our Mountaineers hashtag #OurPNW and #MountiesOptOutside. Use it on instagram, facebook or twitter and we will share our favorites in the weeks after the holiday. 

Find out  where your favorite Mountaineers will be and to join them for a winter outing! 


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