Impact Giving | Supercharge Your Support With Workplace Giving

Many employers offer matching gift programs that allow you to amplify your support for your favorite nonprofits. Whether you’re a donor, volunteer, or a member, now is a great time to get your contributions matched by your employer and multiply your support for The Mountaineers.
The Mountaineers The Mountaineers
July 01, 2024
Impact Giving | Supercharge Your Support With Workplace Giving
Mountaineers members practicing their sea kayak skills; as a volunteer leader the hours spent instructing a course can be matched by your workplace for additional donations to the organization. Photo by Cathie Frizalone.

When you’re out enjoying the natural world, we hope your day job is the farthest thing from your mind. But the next time you find yourself daydreaming at work about your next trip, take a moment to find out if your employer has a workplace giving program that will match your volunteer hours and donations. Workplace giving programs are an excellent way to support The Mountaineers mission and future. By leveraging an employer match, you can multiply the impact of your donations, volunteer hours, or membership dues.

What are Workplace Giving Programs?

Workplace giving programs allow  employers to match donations that their employees make to a community nonprofit. These programs are a way for companies to support their communities and encourage employees to get involved with important causes. Workplace giving  can take the form of a 1:1 (or greater) donation to match your own donations, or paying an organization an hourly rate for the hours you have given as a volunteer. Even membership dues can be matched by employers, depending on the rules of their program. 

According to Double the Donation, 65% of Fortune 500 companies offer donation matching, and that number doesn’t even include the numerous small and medium companies with similar programs. Despite this, $4-7 billion of matching gift funds go unclaimed each year. So don’t leave money on the table when it comes to your support!

Mountaineers Taking Part in Workplace Giving

Workplace giving has had an incredible impact on making The Mountaineers mission and programming possible. In fiscal year 2023, we received over $200k in matched donations thanks to nearly 200 generous donors. This amplified financial support is made possible by our community of dedicated donors and volunteers, so we decided to talk to a couple of them.

Glauco Ferrari is a ten-year member and employee at Microsoft. He is an involved volunteer and regularly leads backpacking trips, hikes, and snowshoes. Microsoft is one of our biggest workplace giving supporters, and Glauco says, “There is a super easy-to-use internal web site where I can make my donations and register my volunteer hours. When I lead some activity with The Mountaineers, I immediately submit my hours.” This is a way for him and other volunteers to maximize the impact for the causes they care about. 

Glauco also participates in payroll donations. In this process, a predetermined amount is taken out of each paycheck and sent to The Mountaineers as a donation. This automatic process saves time for Glauco each month, and his donation gets matched by his employer right away. As a lover of the mountains and outdoors, Glauco hopes that his support will help enable “more people to enjoy the great outdoors in a sustainable and safe way.” He points to our conservation efforts and hopes that we can continue to protect “our beautiful mountains in Washington state and other places.”

Dragana Lassiter, five-year Mountaineers member, also works at Microsoft. She does most of her volunteering for youth hiking and backpacking programs, but also participates in adult courses and activities. Dragana says, “I continue to be surprised and awed by all the volunteer time that people put into the programs and activities, which my whole family has benefited from.” Dragana recommends establishing a rhythm for submitting hours to make it a habit. “I submit my volunteer hours when I close my hikes,” says Dragana. “I find it quite easy since the Mountaineers website tracks them.”

What is eligible in a workplace giving program?

Depending on your company's workplace giving program, your employer benefits may include:

  • Your tax-deductible annual membership dues (course fees, activity fees, and tickets to events are not eligible; only dues)
  • Donations made on our website, through automatic payroll deductions, or at fundraising events like our annual Gala
  • Volunteer hours spent leading courses and activities, or hours spent volunteering on a  Mountaineers committee or at an event
  • Grant programs that are available only for employees to apply for 

Does my company participate in workplace giving and how can I take part?

Many companies, large and small, participate in workplace giving programs. Some companies who have supported The Mountaineers over the past years include Boeing, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Expedia, Microsoft, and T-Mobile. A full list of companies who have supported us can be found on our workplace giving page.

To participate in workplace giving, you will typically submit your donation receipt to your company’s Human Resources team or an online portal. Usually the receipt needs to be submitted within 3-12 months of the donation, depending on your company policies. Enrolling in a recurring payroll donation is one of the best ways to support since you can “set it and forget it,” knowing that your donation will be received and matched every month without the need to submit receipts.

If you want to participate in workplace giving, your first stop should be the Human Resources department at your work. They can tell you how their program is set up and how to participate. There is also likely information within your employee handbook or internal websites.

If you are looking to get involved in workplace giving, here are a few things to know:

  • The Mountaineers EIN (Tax ID) is 27-3009280. Using the Tax ID is the most accurate way to ensure your funds reach your intended organization 
  • Our mailing address is 7700 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA 98115
  • Matching contributions count towards recognition in our leadership giving circle. You can learn more on our Peak Society page
  • Contact us at if you have any questions or if you need a receipt

The Mountaineers® is a 501(c)(3) organization supported through earned revenue and elevated through charitable contributions. Our staff work to support our seven branches (Bellingham, Everett, Foothills, Kitsap, Olympia, Seattle, and Tacoma), three lodges (Baker, Meany, and Stevens), and our Kitsap Forest Theater. Tax ID: 27-3009280. 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115.

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