With the threat of invasive species, we are at risk of losing Snoqualmie's greatest treasure: our forests. The Green Snoqualmie Partnership continues the region's forest legacy and invites people of all ages to get outside, have fun, and engage in helping restore our green spaces.
Join the Green Snoqualmie Partnership for Snoqualmie’s biggest celebration of our forests: Green Snoqualmie Day on October! Participants will be equipped with all you need to plant hundreds of trees and shrubs, and we'll have food from local businesses and prizes to raffle off!
The event will be held at two locations:
Community Park is at the center of Snoqualmie Ridge. Volunteers have been working all summer to remove invasive blackberry plants that had established on a forested buffer of Stillwater Bog, a unique and largely unknown natural feature of the community. We are so excited to begin planting this buffer with native trees and shrubs to ensure the longevity of this forest and habitat into the future!
Mountains to Sound Greenway and volunteers have been working at the Meadowbrook Slough along the Snoqualmie River for decades, helping to restore and reforest the floodplain. This work not only creates great habitat for birds, elk, and other animals, but also improves the water quality of the Snoqualmie River for salmon downstream, and reduces the size of flooding events. Help continue in their efforts!