"Planned very well, with nicely groomed trails, and clear direction of what to expect," remarked one participant of last year's Methow Winter Trails weekend, when asked about her favorite part of the Mazama trails ski trip. A Sun Mountain trip skier the next day responded, "The weather, the company, and that the leader selected the trails that most fit the group's abilities." Join us this year to explore the Methow and to find your own favorite part!
There are a plethora of winter activities for the whole family to enjoy during Winter Trails Weekend in the beautiful Methow Valley. In addition to trips and outdoor outings offered by Mountaineers leaders during the day, there are quite a few fun evening activities happening in the valley, including a Saturday night Meet and Greet for club members, family, and friends. In addition, we have compiled a list of non-skiing options, ranging from riding the luge at Loop Loop ski area to wine tasting in Winthrop and winter sleigh rides at Sun Mountain Lodge.
Join us for one, two, three, or four of the 10 trips offered by Mountaineers leaders over the four days. Eight of the trips will be Nordic ski trips, ranging in skill level from novice to expert. There will also be two Mountaineers led snowshoe trips in addition to the guided snowshoe and nature trip offered by Sun Mountain Lodge on Sunday.
For this first time this year, participants will have the chance to check out the luge experience at Loup Loup Saturday morning and then join an intermediate-level ski in the afternoon.
For more information on the weekend's activities, as well as to links to sign up for the trips, and details about partner events and discounts, please take a look at our event page.
If you aren't able to join us in the Methow in 2020, we are also offering trips this winter to Spokane and to Leavenworth/Plain.