Interested in learning how to snowshoe, kayak, or navigate in the backcountry? Want to meet new adventure buddies? Have a gear wishlist a mile long, or some extra gear you'd like to unload? Come to The Mountaineers Seattle Program Center from 6-8pm on Monday, August 23 for our upcoming Gear Grab.
Representatives from our activity committees will be on-hand to answer all of your questions about courses and upcoming events. We're just about to launch into our course season, and with activities like hiking, sailing, climbing, skiing, kayaking, first aid, and much more, The Mountaineers can surely offer you new ways to get outside.
This open house-style event gives you a chance to ask questions and find out what's right for you. With 14,000+ passionate members in our active community, we really do have something for everyone.
You can also peruse our Gear Grab, where all are welcome to buy or sell gently used outdoor gear. You may not find exactly what you need, and you may go home with something you didn't know you'd need, but you'll definitely find a treasure-trove of cool outdoor gear at our Gear Grab.
Email garretta@mountaineers.org with your name to get on the list to sell your gently-used outdoor gear. You may only sell outdoor gear; gear needs to be in reasonable shape and still safe to use. Sellers may request 1-6' table or a 1/2-6' table to sell their items. And act fast - anyone can sell, but space is limited. Assure your spot by RSVP'ing on this page as well.
The Mountaineers Bookstore will be open during our Gear Grab. If you're a member, you always save 20% on Mountaineers books and Green Trails maps. This is the perfect opportunity to snag a great read or instructional guide, pick up that NW Forest or Discover Pass you've been putting off buying, or load up on some Mountaineers swag.
T-shirts will be available for $2 and USGS maps are going for $1. Buy something at the Gear Grab, and we'll throw in a USGS map for free (they make the perfect gift wrap!).
Updated 08/16
In the interest of public safety, we're taking some extra precautions during the event day due to ongoing Coivd-19 Delta variant health concerns. These precautions may change as we gather more guidance.
- We ask that all attendees are masked during the event regardless of vaccination status.
- We will be propping open external doors to maximize ventilation and spacing tables out to support social distancing.
- Weather permitting, we will also host a portion of tables outside in the front plaza.
- Multiple entry points will be available to help reduce crowding.
- We will not be validating Covid-19 vaccination status of the attendees.
We will continue following guidelines put forward by WA State. Please review the full guidance on the COVID-19 Response page, including a detailed FAQ section, in advance of attending.
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This looks interesting. I am new to the Mountaineers. Thus, I do not know what 'Seattle Program Center' means. This blog post, which invites people to learn all about the Mountaineers, sounds very inviting to those of us who are new. Would it be possible to include a link to wherever it is on the website we can learn what the 'Seattle Program Center' is? Thank you.

Hi Liz,
Thanks for your interest in attending and pointing out the need for more clarity on the event location.
The Seattle Program Center (SPC) is located in Magnuson Park at 7700 Sand Point Way NE Seattle WA, 98115
You can learn more about the SPC on the following webpage: https://www.mountaineers.org/locations-lodges/seattle-program-center
Be sure to click on the RSVP button above and RSVP on the event page with all the details about the Gear Grab and Meet The Mountaineers event.

Thank you for this, and also for the email.