The march to protect the Methow Valley from industrial-scale mining continues to move forward, and we’re at a critical juncture. We need your support! The Forest Service has opened a public comment period on a mineral withdrawal that would protect the Methow Watershed for twenty years. Comments are due by November 6.
Please note: this is a new action separate from previous actions we’ve shared. Thank you to everyone who’s supported our cause up to this point, and for weighing in yet again. Your support has been crucial to the progress we’ve made. See the plan below for a recap of where we’re at and what’s next.
The Plan
In April 2014, a Canadian Company — Blue River Resources — filed for permits to conduct exploratory drilling for copper on Flagg Mountain on U.S. Forest Service land, immediately north of Mazama. The threat is very real, and if approved would open the Methow Valley’s federal lands to mining.
Here’s how we’re working to protect the Methow:
Build broad support - Success!
The Methow Headwaters campaign has gained support from the local to the national level, with businesses, nonprofits, tribes, townships, and individuals all signing on to the cause. The Mountaineers have helped by facilitating meetings with Senate offices and rallying our community to weigh in.
Secure a 2-year mineral withdrawal - Success!
Land managers issued a two-year “time out” on mining, while they consider longer term protections. This is a big win. Thank you for your support!
Secure a 20-year mineral withdrawal - Action Needed!
This is where the Forest Service’s public comment period comes in. The Forest Service needs to hear from us as they evaluate a 20-year mineral withdrawal. Twenty years of protection would provide us with a crucial window to work on a permanent solution. Please join our comment letter.
Permanently protect the Methow Valley - In Progress
Legislation was introduced in May 25, 2016 by Senators Murray and Cantwell (S.2991) and reintroduced on March 8, 2017 (S.566) to permanently safeguard the Methow Valley from mining. We’ll continue to work with Congress to pass legislation.
Take Action
The Methow Valley is the heart of stunning outdoor opportunities in Washington. We love this place. We love this community. Industrial scale mining is simply incompatible with a healthy watershed, and clean water is essential to the Methow Valley’s quality of life and economy.
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