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Happy 94th Birthday, Fred Beckey!

Fred Beckey, a living legend among Northwest Mountaineers, is a climber, environmentalist, historian, and author. He is recognized as one the most imaginative, persistent, and thorough explorer and mountain investigator of the Cascade Range Wilderness.  Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Jenn Carter

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to .... Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Amrit Panda

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to .... Read more…

Walking to the End of the World

The following is excerpted from Walking to the End of the World:  A Thousand Miles on the Camino De Santiago, Beth Jusino.

I climbed the narrow stairs to the upper level of the train, my backpack strapped over my shoulders, a bag of sandwiches clutched in my hand, and my husband a few steps behind me. The car was empty as I settled into a forward-facing seat, feeling smug. Everything was going exactly as planned. Read more…

Starting off on Sea Kayaking

The Tacoma Mountaineers Basic Sea Kayak Course is scheduled for March 28 – April 19, 2015.  This course is loaded with practical information, hands-on education, introduction to kayak gear and an emphasis on paddling safety.  Read more…

Commonwealth Basin Snowshoe - The Fall Looked Minor

As Mountaineers, we are committed to learning from our experiences. We examine every incident that happens on a Mountaineers trip for opportunities to improve the ways we explore and teach. Our volunteer safety committee reviews every incident report and picks a few each month to share as examples of ‘Lessons Learned’. The trip report below describes what happened on this trip, in the leader’s own words, and outlines the lessons the leader has identified. In some cases, we offer additional key learnings from the incident. Read more…

2015 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and Awards

Everything accomplished by The Mountaineers as an organization can be credited to the efforts of our volunteers. Our courses, trips, youth programs, and advocacy efforts are fueled by  passionate people who are engaged because they want to be, not because they receive financial motivation. Each year we hold a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner to recognize these tireless individuals. Read more…

Impact Giving | The Mountaineers Goes Solar

Within five minutes of meeting Charlie and Carol Michel, it’s clear that they care very deeply about three things: sea kayaking, The Mountaineers, and our collective carbon footprint. Read more…

Foothills Volunteer Spotlight: Steve LeBrun

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Trail Tails: Raven

Trail Tails is a special feature showcasing the mutts of The Mountaineers! This month we recognize Raven, owned by Mountaineer Carlanna Livingstone.  Read more…

Opt To Act This Black Friday

Since 2015, REI has closed its stores on Black Friday, paying their employees to #OptOutside instead. At The Mountaineers, we couldn't love the idea more. Our employees have always enjoyed the day after Thanksgiving as a vacation day, and two paid stewardship days each year to take care of their favorite places to play. We believe going outside is not just good for your health - but good for your soul.  Read more…

What's in a Name? Why We Use Equity & Inclusion (E&I)

Language is powerful. We use a string of characters or words to attempt to capture history, context, meaning, intent, and often, emotion. Language is subject to personal interpretation -  most context-laden words rarely share the exact same meaning from one individual to the next. That’s what makes language imperfect.  Read more…

How To: Implement Low-Impact Recreation Skills

At The Mountaineers, we've believe venturing into the outdoors is an essential piece of the human experience. It's important to implement low-impact recreation skills to keep our wild places as sanctuaries for the human spirit. Read more…

Remembering Mountaineer Pradnya Mohite

With great sadness we share the news of the passing of Pradnya Mohite, a beloved member of our Everett and Seattle climbing communities. On March 6, 2022, Pradnya was on a private climb of Mt. Hood with another Mountaineers member when they suffered a fall. The team was benighted, and Pradnya did not survive. Read more…

Public Input for Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan

North Cascades National Park, considered the “wild nearby” for its incredible scenery and wildlife, is also at the center of an opportunity being led by the National Park Service, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and U.S. Forest Service to restore a grizzly bear population. Read more…

Become a Youth Volunteer - Oct 13 Orientation & Dinner

Did you know that The Mountaineers has year-round outdoor adventure clubs for youth? At the Seattle branch, there are five different clubs broken up by age for youth ages 6 through 18: Pathfinders for 6-7 year olds; Nomads for 8-9 year olds; Explorers for 10-11 year olds; Junior MAC for 12-13 year olds; and MAC (Mountaineers Adventure Club) for 14-18 year olds. Read more…

Remembering Wolf Bauer (1912 - 2016)

The Mountaineers is deeply saddened by the loss of one our longest standing and most distinguished members: Wolf Bauer - pioneer, first-ascensionist, champion skier, sea kayak course and boat innovator, founder of Seattle Mountain Rescue Council, and esteemed conservationist. Wolf passed away on January 23rd, nearly one month shy of his 104th birthday. Read more…

An Unusual Decision When One Member of the Party Went Missing

I recently led a scramble of Seymour Peak. The group hiked from Chinook Pass to Dewey Lake and took a few minutes to rest, eat, and take pictures.  We then proceeded to scramble up towards Seymour Peak. We’d been scrambling for about 30 minutes along a confusing maze of animal trails through open woods and had just entered the basin when one of our members realized that we were missing part of our party. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Tom Vogl

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to .... Read more…

Conservation 101: What is Advocacy, and Why is it Important

Conservation advocacy has been an enduring priority throughout The Mountaineers history. Early members recognized the importance of protecting wild places for the outdoor experience, and as a result we have been involved in nearly every major conservation campaign in our state's history. Advocacy has been, and remains, at the heart of key environmental protections.  Read more…

Remembering Mountaineer Dee Molenaar

Dee Molenaar, an international mountaineering legend, Pacific Northwest hero, climber, geologist, and artist, passed away on Saturday, January 19, 2020. He was 101. A public memorial will be held on Sunday, October 10, 2021.  Read more…

The Mountaineers and WTA Team Up To Make a Difference on Earth Day Weekend

It rained non-stop on the Wynoochee valley in the southern Olympics on Earth Day weekend, April 22-23, 2017, but that did nothing to dampen the spirits of 27 members of The Mountaineers who volunteered alongside four Washington Trail Association (WTA) crew leaders for the first trail maintenance stewardship project between the two organizations.  Read more…

Trip Report: Successful 4th Annual Olympia Mountaineers/WTA Stewardship Weekend

Over the weekend of August 29-30, our Olympia Branch Stewardship Committee co-sponsored Wynoochee Trail maitenence activities in partnership with Washington Trails Association. I sat down with Ginger Sarver - a Stewardship Leader, 4-time Super Volunteer, and the Event Organizer - to hear more about the impact of this fun weekend. Read more…

Peak Fitness: Preventing Stiffness Post Outings

Imagine returning to the car after hiking double-digit miles into triple-digit temperatures, finally pitching your heavy pack into the back of the car. Before you take off to the local pub that serves nachos, pizza, and beer, consider how you’ll feel after an hour or more in the car.  Read more…

Packing for Meany – A Beginners Guide

While tenured Meanyites know how to pack for a weekend of fun in about 3 minutes flat (hint: after unpacking, do laundry & re-pack immediately), we often see first time visitors struggle. Here’s a rule of thumb & a few specific pointers: Read more…

Need to cancel from an upcoming activity?

You’re signed up for an activity this weekend, but something came up. Maybe you got sick, or an old injury lingered longer than you’d expected. Perhaps a last-minute work conflict or a personal commitment has to take precedence. We understand that life happens, but taking a moment to reflect on your decision, and practicing good cancellation etiquette, are essential to our member and volunteer satisfaction. Read more…

Voices Heard | Solitude vs. Community: There’s No “Right” Way to Be Outside

The first time I tried my hand at astrophotography (shooting the stars, as opposed to shooting stars) was on a clear night just outside Mount Rainier National Park. I was renting a cabin with my wife and her family, a trio of sisters from Colombia who spoke frequently about the possibility of seeing wildlife. I left them for the pitch darkness down the road along the Nisqually River. Read more…

Tips and Tricks for the Vegan Backpacker

So you're vegan - no meat, no fish, no dairy. Whether you do it for your health, the environment, or animals rights reasons, it's not always convenient to have a plant-based diet. This is especially true in the world of backpacking, where beef jerky is its own food group. But I have good news- it's entirely possible to eat vegan and eat well in the backcountry. All it takes is a little extra planning and a lot of legumes.  Consider these tips the next time you hit the trail: Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Scott Schissel

For our member profile this week we talked to Scott Schissel, a Park Ranger and Mountaineer who loves feeling all the stress melt away while on a long hike or run. Read more…

Open Nominations: Join The Mountaineers Board of Directors in 2022

In 2021, The Mountaineers began to utilize a new process for discovering potential candidates for open at-large positions on our Board of Directors. This new open nominations process was very successful, resulting in more than 20 nominees from across the organization. Feedback from applicants and the community at large about the new process was overwhelmingly positive. Members appreciated the transparency, rigor, and excellent results that it delivered.  Read more…