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Ready, Set, Bid! The Mountaineers Auction is Live

The Mountaineers Annual Gala is only eight days away but bidding in the silent auction starts TODAY! There is still time to join us virtually to access our online auction and catch all the action on April 1 during the livestream presentation. Register for a virtual ticket to ensure you receive the link to the auction and live broadcast.  Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Chris Swarthout

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Adventure with Purpose: A Recap of Our 2024 Gala

Each year, our community gathers at our annual fundraising Gala, Adventure with Purpose, to make a difference for people and places through the mission and vision of The Mountaineers. The funds raised in this single night represent more than a third of our charitable revenue for the year, elevating  mission and values driven initiatives across all branches and activities. Your support is vital for some of our most impactful programs such as youth outreach, scholarships, volunteer leadership development, nonprofit publishing, conservation advocacy efforts, and more. At this year’s Gala, we raised an astonishing $650,000 elevating the way we LEAD innovation in outdoor education, ENGAGE a vibrant community of outdoor enthusiasts, and ADVOCATE on behalf of the natural world. Read more…

Speak Up About Mount Rainier's Reservation Plan

Note: The comment period for the draft visitor use management plan is now closed. We'll continue to update our community as this process develops. Thank you for your interest and engagement in this important issue.

Last month, we shared that Mount Rainier National Park is proposing to implement timed-entry reservations. The Nisqually to Paradise Corridor Draft Management Plan proposes several options for a new timed-entry reservation system to access popular areas of the park during the peak summer season. The Park is seeking feedback from the public before they make their final decision. The deadline to submit comments to the park is June 26. Read more…

Introducing The Mountaineers Equity & Inclusion Leader Toolkit

Over the past 18 months, Mountaineers volunteers have been working to create an Equity and Inclusion (E&I) Leader Toolkit for our community. The E&I Leader Toolkit is designed to help you (our volunteer leaders) foster a culture of belonging in your courses and activities. As part of our organizational commitment to equity and inclusion, we are working to create a Mountaineers where everyone can feel belonging. We hope this toolkit is a helpful resource for the many volunteers requesting more E&I support. Read more…

105 more donors needed to protect the outdoor experience

This weekend an estimated 23 million people will go camping across the US, and even more will get outside for the day to enjoy parks, forests, waterways, and other outdoor spaces. We love to see people enjoying the outdoors, and believe that each of us has a role in conserving the natural world—and the outdoor experiences we love—for future generations.  Read more…

Impact Giving | Special Gift for Sustaining Donors

Many of The Mountaineers most ambitious mission goals are funded by donations. Donors empower youth to build confidence outdoors, support innovation in leadership, reduce barriers to inclusion, and protect our lands and waters through conservation education and advocacy.

Our best mission work is fueled by the sustaining contributions of Mountaineers members and donors who give consistently. Much like sustaining your energy during your own outdoor adventures, monthly gifts and other recurring donations provide a steady and reliable source of support towards our mission impact. Read more…

From ATVs to Nordic Skis: How Alaska Shaped My Love for the Outdoors

I got my first snowmachine when I was two, my first ATV when I was four, and my first gun when I was nine. My snowmachine was an Arctic Cat “Kitty Cat,” a real, gas-drinking motorized vehicle, miniaturized with a 90s brand of teal and purple striping on black casing. The ATV – four wheels for four years – was a zippy red Suzuki. My first gun was a BB. Read more…

Speak Up for Climate-Resilient Forests

Note: this public comment period has closed. We'll keep our community updated on future developments in this process.

When the Pacific Northwest “Timber Wars” reached a boiling point in the early 1990s, federal agencies turned to scientists to find a solution. The result was the creation of the U.S. Forest Service’s landmark 1994 Northwest Forest Plan. For nearly 30 years, the plan has attempted to strike a balance between conservation and timber industry interests on federally-managed lands in Washington, Oregon, and Northern California. But threats and pressures to our forests have changed dramatically since the plan’s inception. Wildfires have grown in intensity and range, and scientists and policy-makers have a better understanding of the urgent need to slow and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Brian Stone

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Did You Know? The Fall Equinox

The shift away from summer’s longer, warmer days typically comes with apprehension. Even the snow sport fanatics brace themselves for the oncoming gloom of fall and winter days. But this new season has a lot to offer, especially if we keep our heads up and our eyes toward the sky. Thanks to the fall equinox, there are some neat things to watch out for this month. Read more…

Impact Giving | Donors Support Leadership Development

The Mountaineers is internationally known for high-quality outdoor education and experiences, yet many people are surprised when they find out that our programs are almost entirely led by volunteers.  Read more…

Vote Now! Board & Branch Elections - 2023

As a 501(c)(3) volunteer-led organization, The Mountaineers depends on the generosity, initiative, and leadership of our volunteers to steward the future of our organization. We are humbled by the service provided by Board and branch directors whose positions are confirmed by members each year. Thank you for all you do as members to elevate our mission, and for your participation in the forthcoming election process for these organization-wide leaders. Read more…

Congratulations To Our 2023 Volunteer Award Recipients!

This past year, our volunteers remained at the core of our operations. Thank you to the nearly 3,000 members who volunteered their time during fiscal year 2023 (October 2022-September 2023), and to the many others who supported from afar! Each of you has made a difference. Read more…

Snow-Free Activities to Keep You Outdoors All Winter Long

Although snow-capped mountains and freshly-groomed trails dominate the public imagination this time of year, not all winter activities are snow-centered. This is especially true in the Pacific Northwest, where we have an abundance of activities to enjoy year-round with just a few modifications. In celebration of The Mountaineers diverse offerings throughout all four seasons, we connected with a few of our volunteers to learn how they continue to stay active throughout the chilliest months. Read more…

Top 10 Mountaineers of Instagram: Inspiration for 2023

One of the first impulses we have while recreating outdoors is to take a photo. We want to share the exhilaration of our alpine scrambles, the warmth of alpenglow on an early morning snowshoe, or the unexpected wildlife dotting our hiking trails. We photograph because we have a deep connection to these natural places and we want others to experience that connection, too. Read more…

BeWild: Graham Zimmerman, A Fine Line - Nov 9

The Mountaineers BeWild Speaker Series puts passion and adventure on center stage! Join us at BeWild with Graham Zimmerman on November 9 to unlock inspiration, seek adventure, connect with nature, and work to protect the wild places we cherish. Read more…

The Leadership Conference is Back - 2023/24

For over 100 years, The Mountaineers has enriched the outdoor community by helping thousands of people explore, conserve, learn about, and enjoy the lands and waters of the Pacific Northwest and beyond. We take pride in that legacy, and want to honor our volunteer leaders who make it all possible! Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Harrison Walter

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Your Giving Tuesday Gift Doubled on Nov 27 & 28

When members like you give to support scholarships, you are saying that finances should not be a barrier to connecting with the natural world. The outdoors is for everyone, and scholarships can help lower one barrier to finding joy and belonging outside. Read more…

Top 10 Trip Reports - June 2023

Did you know that June became officially recognized by the US Senate as "Great Outdoors Month" on June 5th, 2019? Originating under the Clinton administration as "Great Outdoors Week", our nation's love of the great outdoors continued to grow under the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations, eventually evolving into what we now know and celebrate as a month-long ode to the great outdoors! Read more…

Join us for Mountaineers Summer Camps 2024

Summer camp comes in all shapes and sizes, and Mountaineers Youth Programs are no exception. Since the inception of our youth programming in 2011, we’ve had the pleasure of welcoming participants of all ages to our Seattle and Tacoma Program Centers, as well as the lands and waters of the PNW. This summer, we’re excited to introduce a new Foothills Day Camp program, and continue our Overnight Lodge Camp programs for their second year with sessions running at all three Mountaineers lodges in 2024. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Chitra Kosuru

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Cross-Training: How Mountaineering Can Inform Ultra Running, Part 2

Running is often a solitary sport. Ultra-running is even more solitary. Thirty-mile training runs are a special kind of challenge and not one that my casual running friends are eager to join. Because of this, I train mostly on my own.  Read more…

Speak Up Now to Protect Access to Peaks and Canyons

Note, this public comment period has closed. We'll keep our community updated on future developments in this process.

For many Mountaineers students, the South Face of the Tooth in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness is their first foray into the world of alpine climbing. Considering its close proximity to the Seattle area, wide ledges for belaying, and grippy holds, it’s no wonder that the South Face is a classic teaching space for our alpine programs. Unfortunately, our community’s ability to safely access critical teaching spaces like the South Face of the Tooth is in jeopardy due to recently released National Park Service (NPS) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) proposals. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Gretchen Engle

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Mountaineer Magazine Summer 2024

Enjoy access to our quarterly Mountaineer magazine, keeping you up-to-date with everything our organization and community have been up to. Hear from regular contributors on topics from training exercises to trail tips, and read features from our members sharing stories from the outdoors. We encourage you to access all of our updates, stories, tips, and more in the tree free online magazine today. Read more…

Donations support volunteer-led outdoor education

Spring is an exciting time at The Mountaineers as people from all backgrounds and experience levels turn to us to seek outdoor education. Many of our most popular adult courses are underway or wrapping up. Kids in our after-school programs are finally getting some long, sunny afternoons to learn and play outside. The activity calendar is filling rapidly, and the latest guidebooks are flying off the shelves as people gear up for summer.  Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Caroline Fox

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Peter Clitherow

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members and volunteers. For our volunteer profile this week we talked to... Read more…