In two and a half hours you can learn what you need to know to get started as a hike or backpack leader with The Mountaineers. Then, start leading trips to share your love for wild places with our members eager to get outside. Join us August 4 to learn more.
This course is a pre-requisite (along with a mentor hike/backpack and committee approval) to becoming an official hike or backpack leader for the club. This session meets the seminar requirement regardless of your branch or committee affiliation.
Past and current hike leaders as well as those interested in becoming a new leader are invited to participate. The workshop is free and open to all Mountaineers members
Seminar objectives:
- Know the kinds of trips you want to lead, and how to attract participants who have the same interests and capabilities.
- Understand and be prepared to carry out the roles and expectations of a hike or backpack leader for the Mountaineers.
- Be prepared and confident to handle common challenges you will encounter leading groups on the trail.
- Be ready to take the next steps to become a hike or backpack leader for the Mountaineers.