We get it. Today your inbox will be flooded with messages from many of Washington’s nonprofits and beyond. Today is an important day because the need for philanthropy in the time of a global pandemic is more epic than ever before.
But today our Mountaineers message is a little different:
Instead of asking you to GiveBIG, we want to dedicate today to BIGThanks. THANK YOU to the 2,900 donors, 3,000 volunteers, 14,000 members, 30,000 conservationists, and millions of readers around the world who keep our mission going.
In the best of times your support elevates world-class outdoor training and education, publishes award-winning titles that inspire positive social change, engages thousands of young people of all backgrounds with outdoor experiences, and delivers conservation programs to cultivate the next generation of outdoor advocates.
In the face of new challenges, your participation as members, volunteers, donors, and readers help us to navigate uncharted waters and discover innovative ways to fulfill our mission in the wake of the economic impact of COVID-19. This support is critical in protecting the core operations of our business. We can’t thank you enough.
Today, we are not asking you to give. Instead, we want to give back to you.
In partnership with volunteer leaders, we launched a Virtual Education Center where Mountaineers all over the world can take courses, engage in an extensive range of seminars and presentations, and learn new skills. One of my favorite resources online is the Legislative Trail Map where you can learn about advocacy opportunities to protect the outdoor experience for generations to come. As public lands begin to re-open and we venture beyond our homes once again, our team is collaborating with outdoor partners across the region to provide informed advice on how to recreate responsibly.
We’d love to hear what you think. Is there something we haven’t tried that you’d like to recommend? Perhaps there is a Mountaineers Books title or a volunteer leader that has made a difference in your life and you’d like to shout it from the mountain top? We want to hear from you.
In a typical year, The Mountaineers utilizes GiveBIG as a launching point for a month-long fundraising campaign as a part of our annual fundraising strategy. We promise today is not about asking, but if you value the resources, programs, and publishing efforts of The Mountaineers and are inspired to make a gift, our founding Peak Society members Rich and Martha Draves have once again offered a matching incentive. For every gift received over $100, they will match dollar for dollar, doubling the impact you make for our outdoor community. If you typically renew your gift during April or May, I hope you’ll consider renewing your annual gift if you can.
Once again, we’d like to give BIGThanks to you today. Thank you for all you do to make a difference for our outdoor community and to protect the lands and waters of the Pacific Northwest and beyond.
As you can imagine, the impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak are significant and our earned revenue streams are still on hold. All funds received during this time are supporting general operations so we can be ready to help you get back into the outdoors again as soon as it’s safe to do so. There are many ways to support The Mountaineers during this time and all donations over $100 will be matched by the generosity of Rich and Martha Draves. Thank you again for your support.